Send SMS Over Intenet - Uwazii MOBILE

Compose SMS - Simple Message

Compose SMS is the primary, and simplest, tool to use to send SMS messages over our platform.

Below we highlight the steps followed to send a simple message to contact entered in the contacts section of the application.  

Once logged in follow this process on the left navigation menu, SMS > Compose SMS - You will land on the on a page that allows you to send a simple message. You will need to fill only the three mandatory fields: 
  1. Sender ID: Enter or select the sender of your message. The recipients of the message will see this as a new message from the sender when they receive the SMS.
  2. Contacts: Enter your targeted contacts that will receive your SMS message. Numbers can be pasted in the format 2547XXXXXXXX or 7XXXXXXXX. When you use the format 7XXXXXXXX ensure that you check Auto Add Country Code option.
  3. Message: The content of the message your contacts will see when they receive your message. You can either write your message, paste a plain text, or personalize it with data from an uploaded file. 
Once the above information is entered, you can click Send to send the message immediately on confirmation. You will then be directed to a second page where you will have the option to compose another message or view details about the campaign in the Campaign Report page. 

If you want to use more advanced features with sending your messages, be sure to check the advanced section of sending SMS.